Op. Dr. Ozan Can Canbolat
Op.Dr.Ozan Can Canbolat schloss seine medizinische Ausbildung an der Medizinischen Fakultät Istanbul Cerrahpaşa ab. Seine Ausbildung in Plastischer, Rekonstruktiver und Ästhetischer Chirurgie absolvierte er an der medizinischen Fakultät der Ege-Universität. Nach Abschluss seiner Spezialisierung leistete er seinen Pflichtdienst im Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Hospital ab. Im Laufe seiner Karriere hat er viele erfolgreiche ästhetische und rekonstruktive Operationen durchgeführt. Seine Hauptinteressengebiete sind Gesichts-, Nasen-, Brust- und Körperästhetik, Handchirurgie, Hauttumorchirurgie, Brustrekonstruktion nach Brustkrebs und angeborene Anomalien. Dr. med. Ozan Can Canbolat ist Inhaber des Europäischen Zertifikats für Plastische, Rekonstruktive und Ästhetische Chirurgie (FEBOPRAS). Dieses Zertifikat zeigt, dass Dr. med. Ozan Can Canbolat die hohen Standards in Bezug auf Ausbildung und Fachwissen, die vom Europäischen Rat für Plastische, Rekonstruktive und Ästhetische Chirurgie festgelegt wurden, erfolgreich erfüllt hat, und bescheinigt, dass er international anerkannte Prüfungen bestanden hat, die sein Wissen, seine Fähigkeiten und seine Kompetenz in diesem Bereich belegen. Dieses Zertifikat spiegelt unser Engagement wider, unseren Patienten ein Höchstmaß an Sicherheit und Qualität zu bieten. Dr. Ozan Can Canbolat spricht fließend Englisch, ist verheiratet und hat ein Kind. Zu seinen Interessen gehören Reisen, professionelles Basketball und Tischtennis.

Vereinigung für Ästhetisch-Plastische Chirurgie

Europäischer Verband für Plastische, Rekonstruktive und Ästhetische Chirurgie

Türkische Gesellschaft für Plastische, Rekonstruktive und Ästhetische Chirurgie
Ihre Gesundheit ist unsere Priorität
Zuverlässiger und ethischer Ansatz
Gesundheitslösungen mit Spitzentechnologie
24/7-Notfall und Kundendienst
Hohe Patientenzufriedenheit
Schnelle und sichere Ergebnisse
Einzelbetreuung von Patienten

Dr. Ozan Can Canbolat,MD , FEBOPRAS
Happy ending 🥰
First of all, I was unhappy when I looked in the mirror before the surgery. My eyes are droopy and made me look sad and tired. I was very scared, but at the same time I wanted to have surgery so bad.I started to looking for a good doctor. It wasn’t easy cause people had a lot of problems after surgery. My cousin told me about Dr. Ozan and I decided to have surgery. I had 3 operations at the same time. Almond eye, eyelid and fat transfer to my face. And the result was amazing! I am so happy when I look in the mirror now.I have more self-confidence than before. I am very lucky to have found a really good doctor. I plan to have breast surgery next year when i visit to Turkey. Thank you again to Dr. Ozan and his wonderful team for the beautiful transformation! 🙏🏻🥰
10/10 recommend!
This was my first time getting a cosmetic surgery and also a surgery out of country. Naturally, I had many questions and had no idea what to expect but I could not have asked for a better experience both pre and post op for a breast augmentation. With Dr Ozan, you can tell the passion he carries for his work and his genuineness in the way he is willing to answer all my questions, happily meet with me multiple times before/after surgery, his thoroughness and his attention to small details for the procedure itself. I think we all get nervous when it comes to a surgery and Dr Ozan and his team gave me the extra confidence and trust. Kubra was always available to answer my questions and made sure to constantly check on me. She made me feel like we were in this together and I cannot thank her enough. The hospital staff is very gentle and kind and if you need anything, they are accommodating. Overall, I highly recommend Dr Ozan and his team if you are considering surgery, you will be in great hands!
Was sceptical going to another country…
Was sceptical going to another country for surgery But the zoom call I had before hand with Dr Ozan Canbolat I instantly knew he was the surgeon for me . He made me feel very comfortable & assured me I would be taken care of & true to his word I had a tummy tuck & lipo360 in the hands of this surgeon . My after care was funorminal I’m so happy with my results & certainly recommend this surgeon 5 star all the way! He is such a caring surgeon who looks after his patients . Thankyou Soraya Uk