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Arm Lift (Brachioplasti)

What is Brachioplasty (Arm Lift)?

Brachioplasty, or arm lift as it is commonly known, is a surgical procedure that removes sagging, loose and excess skin and adipose tissue in the arms, resulting in a firmer and more shaped appearance. Sagging in the arm area due to aging, rapid weight loss or genetic factors can cause aesthetic discomfort. In this case, brachioplasty (arm lift) surgery gives a smoother appearance by removing the excess on the inside of the arm.

Who is Brachioplasty Suitable for?

Brachioplasty is a surgical procedure recommended in the following cases:

  1. Excessive Sagging: Excess skin sagging in the arm area due to weight loss or aging.
  2. Excess Fat Accumulation: Deterioration in the external appearance of the arm due to excess fat accumulated in the arm area.
  3. Tight and Smooth Arm Appearance: In order for the arm area to gain a firmer, smoother and younger appearance.
  4. Genetic Causes: In case some people have genetically more saggy arms.
  5. Aesthetic Purposes: People who want to eliminate deformities in the arm area.

How is Brachioplasty (Arm Lift) Surgery Performed?

Arm lift surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia and the duration of the procedure can vary between 2-3 hours. During the procedure, excess skin and fatty tissue on the inside of the arm is removed and if there is excess laxity over the muscles, they are tightened.

The procedure may include the following steps:

  1. Making the Incision: An incision is made on the inside of the arm, starting in the armpit area and extending to the wrist. This incision should be large enough to properly remove the sagging part of the arm.
  2. Fat and Skin Removal: After the excess skin and fat tissue is removed, the arm is tightened by stretching the muscles.
  3. Stitches and finishing touches: The incision sites are carefully sutured and the arm takes its new shape after the procedure is completed.

Recovery Process After Brachioplasty (Arm Lift)

The recovery process after arm lift surgery may vary from person to person, but it is usually as follows:

  1. First 1-2 weeks: There may be swelling, bruising and pain in the arm area after the surgery. During this period, your doctor may prescribe painkillers. Elastic bandages or protective wraps can be used to reduce swelling.
  2. Scars: The incision on the inside of the arm may be visible for several months, although it fades with time. However, a good surgeon will keep the scars as hidden as possible and make incisions in areas where there is little sagging.
  3. Physical Activity: Heavy physical activity should be avoided for the first few weeks. Not moving the arms too much accelerates the healing process.
  4. Full Recovery: The full recovery process of arm lift surgery may take 4-6 weeks. The results can be seen more clearly in a few months.

What Should Be Considered After Brachioplasty (Arm Lift) Surgery?

After arm lift surgery, there are some points that patients should pay attention to:

  1. Avoid Heavy Lifting: Lifting heavy objects or straining the arms during the first few weeks can damage the healing process.
  2. Wound Care: Wound care should be done as recommended by the doctor to prevent the incisions from becoming infected.
  3. Check-ups: Regular check-ups with your doctor will ensure that the healing process is working properly.
  4. Skin Care: You can use moisturizing creams or products recommended by your doctor to speed up the skin healing process.
  5. Diet and Exercise: Paying attention to a healthy diet and light exercise after surgery can help you achieve better results.

What are the risks of brachioplasty?

Brachioplasty, like other surgical procedures, carries some risks. These may be the following:

  1. Risk of Infection: As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection. Attention should be paid to wound care and cleanliness.
  2. Bleeding: Bleeding may occur during surgery. This can usually be managed with the doctor’s predictions.
  3. Pain and Swelling: There may be pain and swelling after the arm lift procedure, but this is usually temporary.
  4. Opening of Stitches: Stitches may open before they are fully healed; therefore, care must be taken.
  5. Asymmetric Results: Sometimes small asymmetries between the arms may occur as a result of surgery.
  6. Nerve Damage: Although very rare, nerve damage may occur and this may be temporary or permanent.
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