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Genital Aesthetics

What is Genital Aesthetics?

Genital aesthetics covers surgical and non-surgical procedures performed to correct deformities in the genital area, eliminate functional problems and eliminate aesthetic concerns. These aesthetic interventions offer solutions for aesthetic and health problems in the female and male genital area. Genital aesthetics is generally preferred due to congenital problems, aging-related changes, postpartum deformations or aesthetic concerns.

What can be done within the scope of genital aesthetics?

Genital aesthetic procedures can be customized according to the needs of individuals. There are different aesthetic procedures for women and men, and these are generally as follows:

Genital Aesthetic Procedures in Women:

  1. Labiaplasty (Inner Lip Aesthetics): It is a surgical intervention to correct problems such as excessive growth, asymmetry or sagging of the vaginal lips (labia minora). Labiaplasty can be performed for both aesthetic and functional reasons.
  2. Vaginoplasty (Vaginal Tightening): Vaginal tightening is performed to correct vaginal enlargement after childbirth or to eliminate congenital width problems. This procedure aims to improve both aesthetic and sexual functions.
  3. Hymenoplasty (Hymen Repair): It is the process of repairing the hymen. This procedure can be performed for some cultural or personal reasons.
  4. Vaginal Aesthetics: It includes aesthetic procedures performed to remove excess skin on the outer part of the vagina, to shape it or to eliminate sagging in the genital area.
  5. Clitoral Hood Reduction (Clitoral Hood Aesthetics): Excess skin on the clitoris is removed to make the clitoris more prominent.
  6. Genital Area Whitening: These are applications performed to correct the skin tone in the genital area. Laser technology is usually used.

Genital Aesthetic Procedures in Men:

  1. Penis Aesthetics (Phalloplasty): These are surgical interventions performed to increase the size or correct the shape of the penis. This procedure aims to surgically increase the length or thickness of the penis.
  2. Circumcision (Circumcision): Excess skin on the head of the penis can be removed to provide a cleaner and more hygienic area. It is also performed for aesthetic and cultural reasons.
  3. Genital Area Fat Removal (Liposuction): Liposuction can be performed to remove excess fat tissue in the genital area. This procedure makes the genital area look more prominent and aesthetic.

Recovery Processes in Genital Aesthetic Procedures

Since genital aesthetic procedures are surgical interventions, they require a certain recovery period after each procedure. The recovery period varies according to the type of procedure, the body structure of the person and the complexity of the surgery performed.

Recovery Process in Women:

  1. Labiaplasty (Inner Lip Aesthetics): After labiaplasty, patients can usually return to their normal activities within a few days. However, there is a period of time when sexual intercourse and heavy exercises should be avoided. The recovery period can take up to 2-3 weeks.
  2. Vaginoplasty (Vaginal Tightening): The recovery period after vaginoplasty may be a little longer. Swelling and bruising may occur during the first week, but most patients can have sexual intercourse after 4-6 weeks. Full recovery may take 6-8 weeks.
  3. Hymenoplasty (Hymen Repair): Patients may need to rest for one or two weeks after hymenoplasty. Sexual intercourse and sports activities are restricted for a few weeks.
  4. Vaginal Aesthetics: The recovery period after vaginal aesthetics varies depending on the type of procedure performed. Sexual intercourse and heavy activities are usually prohibited for 4-6 weeks.

Recovery Process in Men:

  1. Penis Aesthetics (Phalloplasty): The healing process after phalloplasty can take up to 1-2 weeks. There may be swelling and pain, but recovery is usually completed within 4-6 weeks after surgery. It is recommended to avoid sexual intercourse and heavy exercises.
  2. Circumcision (Circumcision): Circumcision usually takes 1-2 weeks to heal. The head of the penis may be sensitive, so it is usually necessary to wait 2-3 weeks before having sexual intercourse.
  3. Genital Area Fat Removal (Liposuction): Patients usually recover within 1-2 weeks after liposuction in the genital area. Swelling decreases within a few weeks, but sexual intercourse and heavy activities may need to be avoided for 4-6 weeks.
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