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Dimple Aesthetics (Dimpleplasty)

What is Dimpleplasty?

Dimpleplasty is a surgical procedure popularly known as “dimple aesthetics”. This procedure, which is performed to create dimples for aesthetic purposes for people who do not naturally have dimples on their face, is preferred by both men and women. It is an ideal solution for people who want to add vitality to their facial expression and make their smile more impressive. It is mostly performed on the cheeks but can also be applied to the chin area.

Before Dimple Aesthetics

Before the operation, the patient’s facial structure is analyzed in detail and the most suitable position of the dimple is determined. Before the operation, smoking and alcohol consumption should be reduced if possible and blood thinners should be stopped under the doctor’s supervision. The general health condition of the patient should be good and expectations should be clearly discussed with the surgeon.

How is Dimple Aesthetics Performed on the Face?

Dimple aesthetics is usually performed under local anesthesia and takes an average of 20-30 minutes. During the procedure, a small incision is made through the mouth and the desired dimple is created by suturing the cheek muscle. Since no external incision is made, there is no risk of scarring. The stitches are hidden under the skin and dissolve and disappear within a few weeks. Patients are usually discharged immediately after the procedure.

What is the Recovery Process After Dimple Aesthetic Surgery?

The healing process after surgery is quite fast. There may be slight swelling and redness after the procedure, but it usually subsides within a few days. It is important to consume soft foods and pay attention to oral hygiene during the first few days. When the care instructions recommended by the doctor are followed, the healing process goes smoothly.

Is Dimple Aesthetics Permanent?

Dimple aesthetics is usually a permanent procedure. Initially, the dimple may be constantly visible, but over time, as the stitches dissolve, the dimple becomes visible only when smiling. However, the procedure should be planned extremely carefully to preserve the natural appearance.

Can I Return to Work Immediately?

Yes, patients can usually return to their daily lives on the same day after dimple aesthetics. Since the procedure is simple and minimally invasive, the recovery period is short and comfortable. However, there may be swelling and mild pain after surgery, so it will be beneficial to rest a little in the first days.

Can I be recognized as having dimple surgery?

A slight swelling may occur in the dimple area after the surgery, but this is temporary. There is no external scar after the procedure because the incision is made through the mouth. When full recovery is achieved, it is usually not understood that an aesthetic intervention has been performed thanks to the natural appearance of the dimple.

Can I Go Back to My Old Self?

Dimple aesthetics is usually a permanent procedure, but some patients may want to return to their natural appearance. This situation is quite rare. If there is dissatisfaction after dimple aesthetics, a corrective procedure can be performed in consultation with your surgeon, but this procedure may not always allow you to fully return to your old self.

Is There a Risk? What are the risks of dimple aesthetics, if any?

As with any surgical procedure, there are some risks in dimple aesthetics. These are usually rare but may include

  • Risk of infection.
  • Mild bleeding or hematoma in the mouth.
  • Disappearance or displacement of the dimple over time.
  • An undesirable appearance.

These risks can be minimized when performed by an experienced surgeon.

Is Dimple Aesthetics Performed with General Anesthesia?

No, dimple aesthetics are usually performed under local anesthesia. In this way, the patient does not feel any pain during the procedure and recovers faster after the procedure. However, some patients may request general anesthesia for reasons such as anxiety.

Is it performed on both men and women?

Yes, dimple aesthetics can be performed on both men and women. While women usually prefer cheek dimple, men can also consider chin dimple. Dimple position is determined according to gender and facial structure.

Who Can Have Dimple Surgery?

Dimple aesthetics is suitable for every adult individual with good general health and realistic expectations. It is important that the surgeon evaluates the patient in detail before surgery. This procedure is not recommended for patients with serious health problems or bleeding disorders.

Will I Feel Pain?

No pain is felt during dimple aesthetics performed under local anesthesia. There may be mild pain and discomfort after the procedure, but this can be easily controlled with painkillers recommended by the doctor. Most patients get through the postoperative period comfortably.

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